

Complete Introduction in Statistics in R, SPSS, JASP

Introducing "Complete Introduction in Statistics in R, SPSS, JASP," a comprehensive online course designed to demystify the realm of applied statistics. This meticulously crafted course, in collaboration with the International School of Management, offers a cohesive resource for everyone struggling to comprehend or apply statistics.

Kickstart your thesis with a perfect research question

On completion of this course, you will not just have a research question in hand, but a research compass. One that will continually point you towards your true North, even in the most complex turns of your research journey. A well-crafted research question can be your unyielding motivator, always reminding you of your research purpose and keeping you driven.

Design-Based Research Bootcamp

Prepare to dive into the world of Design-Based Research. Our exhaustive online course offers you a comprehensive journey through the intriguing terrain of design-based research, an avant-garde yet pragmatic research technique that’s earning accolades across diverse disciplines. Presented as digestible…