
Thesis Writing with the Thesis Canvas: Relevance, Known, Gap

Choosing the right dissertation or thesis topic is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make during your thesis writing journey. But you cannot just chose a topic, you must provide a clear and rational argument for it. And this is were the Relevance, Known, and Gap section of the thesistribe Thesis Canvas, which is part of the thesistribe thesis writing program, comes in. This post will guide you through the importance of relevance in dissertation research, focusing on scientific significance, social and practical value, and identifying research gaps to make your work truly impactful. Based on this information, you will then produce the introduction section during thesis writing with ease.

Thesis Canvas for thesis writing


Choosing a meaningful dissertation topic ensures that your research will make a valuable contribution to your field either scientifically, socially, or practically. As you map out your thesis writing journey, it is important to choose a topic that is not only relevant and significant in your field, but also personally interesting to you. If you are unsure of where to start, think about framing your research questions in terms of their relevance: either scientifically within your discipline, socially on a global scale, or practically within a specific industry or organization.

Scientific relevance

If you are working diligently in the field of social sciences, the scientific significance of your dissertation is essential. Your research should address a gap in current scientific understanding, focusing on areas that have not been thoroughly explored in previous studies. One way to identify a suitable subject for research is to review suggestions for future studies mentioned in existing scientific literature and the sources referenced within. After that, you have the option to engage in quantitative research, conduct statistical analyses, or use the appropriate methodology for the specific type of research you plan to pursue.

Social and practical relevance

The majority of theses must have social significance, which essentially means they contribute to our understanding of society. In certain academic fields, it may be emphasized that a dissertation should have practical significance, utilizing various research methods such as ethnographies, interviews, and field work to gather data. Research that has practical significance provides benefits. For example, it may provide advice for a specific sector or propose methods to enhance specific procedures within a company.


You also need to specify what is already known about a specific topic. This is an important part of your introduction, as it provides the perspective you’re taking for your research. On one hand, it’s a shorthand form of your literature review that will follow as part of your broader thesis writing. But more importantly, you need to consider that this is the perspective you’re defining. What theoretical angles are you using to review the literature and make an argument for your empirical part? This is crucial. It’s not just a short version of your literature review, but there are some meta-level considerations to take into account.


Another aspect is the gap, which is also very important, because your research question should ultimately be an answer due to the gap you have identified. Clearly describe what’s known about a field, but also state what is not known about a given field.


In conclusion, the relevance of your dissertation topic is fundamental to the success and contribution of your research. By focusing on scientific relevance, addressing social and practical significance, and carefully identifying gaps in existing knowledge, you can ensure that your work not only advances academic discourse but also makes a tangible impact. As you embark on your dissertation journey, remember that choosing a topic that aligns with both your personal interests and the needs of your field will help guide your research towards a meaningful and lasting contribution.